‘Too early’ to recognize Taliban-led Afghan government, US says

KABUL: The Taliban will complete a year in power in Kabul in August; however, no country is talking about official recognition of the Taliban-led Afghan government, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs said. South and Central Asia, Donald Lu in a recent statement.
“Some countries are starting a very slow process of normalizing relations. Nobody is talking about formal recognition,” said Donald Lu, adding that it was the need of the hour to try to encourage the Taliban on a constructive path.
The United States has said that no foreign government is considering recognizing the Taliban administration in Afghanistan and that most international talks are aimed at trying to engage the Taliban in more than one way.
“I think there’s actually a global consensus to include Moscow, Beijing and Iran, that it’s too early to consider recognition,” Lu said.
The Taliban took control of the government last August when the United States and its NATO allies withdrew its military troops.
While the all-male Taliban administration has imposed severe restrictions on women and girls in Afghanistan, including compulsory hijab, travel restrictions, gender segregation rules and the suspension of girls’ schools, the United States made it clear that no legitimacy and recognition is possible until the Taliban forms an inclusive government.
The situation of women and girls in Afghanistan reflects systematic rights violations resulting directly from the Taliban’s deliberate adoption of measures and policies aimed at completely eliminating them from all spheres of public life.
Afghan women had enjoyed unfettered freedom in the country for so many years, but now face a bleak future due to a number of Taliban-imposed restrictions governing aspects of their lives in the next ten months. the takeover of Afghanistan.


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