July 9, 2022 Information on the assassination of Shinzo Abe

A car carrying the body of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrives at his home in Tokyo on Saturday July 9. (Shiho Fukada for CNN)

The body of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrived in Tokyo on Saturday after his assassination in the city of Nara. As Japan reels from the shocking shooting, here’s what we know so far.

Funeral arrangements for Abe: Abe’s funeral will be Monday and Tuesday, his office told CNN, with a wake Monday, followed by a memorial service Tuesday. The funeral will be hosted by his widow Akie Abe at a temple in Tokyo, Japanese state broadcaster NHK reported.

Police will review security: Japan’s National Police Agency said it would review security measures put in place ahead of Friday’s shooting, according to NHK. Security was provided by the Nara Prefectural Police, who drew up a security plan for the former prime minister during his stay in the city.

Nara Prefectural Police Chief Tomoaki Onizuka said he “can’t deny there were issues” with Abe’s safety. At a press conference on Saturday, he said authorities were examining what went wrong before the former prime minister was shot dead. He added that he “takes[s] responsibility” for the security failure that led to Abe’s murder.

The suspect used a homemade weapon: The suspect in Abe’s murder said the weapon he used was homemade, Nara Nishi police told a news conference on Friday. Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, admitted shooting Abe, police said. Yamagami, who is unemployed, told investigators he had hatred towards a certain group he thought Abe was connected to. Police did not name the group.

Yamagami made several types of firearms out of iron pipes wrapped in duct tape, Japanese state broadcaster NHK reported, citing police. The police found guns with three, five and six iron pipes as barrels. The suspect inserted bullets into the pipe of his homemade gun, parts for which he had purchased online, NHK reported, citing police. Police believe the suspect used the most powerful weapon he made in the slaying, NHK added.

Elections will take place on Sunday: Japanese voters head to the polls on Sunday despite Abe’s assassination just two days before the election is due. At the time of the shooting, Abe was speaking out for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidates ahead of the election.


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