This is what Nagaland Minister Temjen Imna Along must remain “single” on World Population Day | Kohima News

KOHIMA: Two days after posting a screenshot of what Google users wanted to know about him, Nagaland minister and state president of the BJP Temjen Imna together on Monday he made another hilarious remark on World Population Day.
Along’s remark led Twitter to explode with funny comments on its wall.
Previously, Along had explained the benefits of people with small eyes at an event.

Temjen Imna Along's fun version of people with small eyes

Temjen Imna Along’s fun version of people with small eyes

“At #WorldPopulationDay, we try to be sensitive to population growth issues and inculcate informed choices about pregnancy. Or #Restasingle like me and together we can contribute to a sustainable future,” tweeted Lungo.
Join the singles movement today, she added.
On July 9, Along shared a screenshot of what appears on Google when her name is searched and highlighted a search “temjem imna along wife”, stating, “I’m still looking for her!”

After Along’s hilarious take, his many followers also posted memes.

One user claimed to contradict Elon Musk’s views

On World Population Day


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