The US House votes for the India-specific CAATSA exemption

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WASHINGTON: US House of Representatives passed a legislative amendment on Thursday approving an India-specific waiver for sanctions CAATSA sanctions for his purchase of the S-400 missile defense system from Russia.
Written and introduced by the Indian-American congressman Ro Khannathe amendment urges the Biden administration to use its authority to provide India with an exemption from the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAASTA) to help deter aggressors such as China.
The legislative amendment was passed Thursday by voice vote as part of a block amendment (all together as one unit) during the classroom examination of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
“The United States must support India in the face of escalating aggression from China. As Vice President of the India Caucus, I have worked to strengthen the partnership between our countries and ensure that India can defend itself along the way. Indian-Chinese border“Khanna said.
“This amendment is of the utmost importance and I am proud to see it passed in the House on a bipartisan basis,” he said.
In her remarks to the House, Khanna said that there is no relationship of greater importance to the strategic interests of the United States than the US-India partnership.
“My bipartisan NDAA amendment marks the most significant piece of legislation for US-India relations out of Congress after the US-India nuclear deal, “Khanna said.
The legislation states that the US-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (ICET) is a welcome and essential step to develop closer partnerships between governments, universities and industry in the two countries to address the latest advances in artificial intelligence and quantum computing, biotechnology, aerospace and semiconductor manufacturing.
Such collaborations between engineers and computer scientists are vital to ensure that the United States and India, as well as other democracies around the world, promote innovation and facilitate technological advances that continue to far surpass Russian and Chinese technology. he has declared.
CAATSA is a tough US law that authorizes the US administration to impose sanctions on countries that purchase important defense armaments from Russia in response to The Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 and his alleged meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.


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