Explosion near Afghan border kills four Pakistani soldiers

ISLAMABAD: At least four soldiers were killed and seven others injured in a suicide attack on a military convoy in the restive region of Pakistan North Waziristan border tribal district of Afghanistan, the army’s media branch said on Tuesday.
The strike came hours after three senior commanders of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) – a conglomerate of militant groups – were killed after their vehicle hit a roadside landmine in eastern Pakistan. Afghanistan. The PTT has often blamed Pakistani forces for attacks on its militants.
The Pakistani convoy was traveling from Mirali to Miramshah – the district headquarters of North Waziristan – when the suicide bomber appeared on a motorbike and blew himself up near one of the vehicles in the Patasi Ada area, according to Inter -Public Relations Services (ISPR), the military’s media arm.
Among the wounded were three soldiers and four civilians traveling in the convoy.
“The Pakistan Army is determined to eradicate the scourge of terrorism from the country,” the ISPR said and warned that the sacrifices of the “brave soldiers” will not be in vain.
“Security agencies are investigating to uncover (details) of the suicide bomber and his enablers,” the ISPR added.
Attacks on security forces and clashes with suspected terrorists have become frequent in North Waziristan in recent months. On July 4, at least 10 soldiers were injured when a suicide bomber attacked their entourage. On May 30, a bicycle suicide bomber attacked a convoy in the Razmak area, injuring two soldiers and two children.


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