Sir Salman Rushdie Stabbed 12 Times, Including Face and Neck, District Attorney’s Office Says | News from the United States

Sir Salman Rushdie was stabbed about 12 times, including in the face and neck, the US District Attorney’s Office said.

One of the wounds in the facial area caused a puncture to Sir Salman’s eye, the Chautauqua County District Attorney’s Office said.

Another in the abdomen caused a puncture to the author’s liver.

There were also many other stab wounds to the abdomen and chest area.

The 75-year-old author was flown to the hospital and later underwent surgery the attack before a conference he was due to give in upstate New York on Friday afternoon.

Early on Saturday, the suspect found not guilty of attempted murder.

Hadi Matar, 24, arrives in court.  Image: AP
Matar comes to court. Image: AP

A lawyer filed an appeal on behalf of Hadi Matar24, during a trial hearing.

Matar appeared in court wearing a black and white jumpsuit and a white mask, his hands handcuffed in front of him.


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