Why Even Life-long Republican Liz Cheney Fails to Get Away from Opposing Donald Trump | News from the United States

She is from one of the most famous republican families in America. Her record of grades on abortion and guns was exemplary.

And none of that stopped Liz Cheney from becoming Donald Trump’s latest high-profile Republican victim.

He lost his congressional seat in Wyoming to a Trump-backed rival, an opponent who parroted the former president’s lie that the 2020 election was stolen.

Voters could not forgive Ms. Cheney for conducting congressional investigations into Trump’s role in the Assault of January 6 on the Capitol and his vote to impeach him.

But he doesn’t give up without a fight. The battle for democracy in America has just begun to spark speculation that he will run for president in 2024 to keep Trump from the White House.

The extent of Cheney’s defeat shows how strong his control over the party is. It may also encourage him to announce his 2024 candidacy soon.

We drove into Cody on the eve of the election in a 1971 Pontiac customized for Elvis.

It is decked out with more than 19 guns and 500 silver dollars. Its owner, Bob Ferguson, told Sky News it’s only a matter of time before Trump announces his candidacy.

“All the things that have happened since he was out of office have probably convinced him more and more that he wants to be president again,” he said. “And he wants to redeem what has been done against him.”

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From left, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, Lolita Zinke, her husband, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, Vice President Mike Pence, Sen Ron Johnson, R-Wis., And Rep. Virginia Foxx, RN.C., listen as President Donald Trump speaks as he signs various bills in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington on Monday, March 27, 2017. (AP Photo / Andrew Harnik)

Inside the rodeo, tourists watched the chased and tied calves. A clown was telling jokes at Joe Biden’s expense.

“That cowboy fell faster than Joe Biden from a bicycle,” he joked. The crowd loved it.

Dominic Waghorn piece

Cowboys were tossed and tossed on steers and mustangs.

Cody is where Buffalo Bill is said to have invented the term Wild West and the politics here seem tougher than ever, with ruthless Republicans in their quest to oust Liz Cheney.

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The challenge to Cheney’s defeat is increasing speculation that he might even run as an independent in 2024 to split the Republican vote.

One commentator compared her to Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars and his bitter fight with Darth Vader.

“If you take me down,” the Jedi says to his hooded nemesis, “I will become more powerful than you can imagine.”

Ms. Cheney was defeated in this election, but her fight with Trump could give her the power to resurrect and block her path to the presidency.


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