Father and Son Found Clinging to Refrigerator as Video Shows Dramatic Rescue from Sinking Boat Near Boston Harbor | News from the United States

A father and son in the United States were rescued after desperately clinging to a refrigerator in the water when their boat began to sink several miles offshore.

The rescue at the outermost boundary of Boston Harbor, Massachusettshe was filmed by the police bodycam, with his son hearing “we are so weak”.

He asked the patrol officers at the port to rescue his 76-year-old father before him.

The men save from the sinking of the boat off the coast of Boston.  Photo: Boston Police
All photos: Boston Police

“Help him please,” she said. “Help him get up first.”

The older man, wearing a life jacket, was then dragged onto the police boat.

His son, who held a life ring, would be the next to be saved.

Officers Stephen Merrick and Garrett Boyle had answered a call around 6:30 pm Wednesday on a boat that was boarding near the Graves Lighthouse station.

The privately owned lighthouse is located on a rocky islet about nine miles from the coast.

The men escaped to safety off the coast of Boston.  Photo: Boston Police
The oldest man was rescued first
The men escaped after the boat started sinking off the coast of Boston.  Photo: Boston Police

As the officers approached the scene, they saw only a small portion of the bow of the lobster ship, Glory Days, above the water.

But as they approached, they noticed the two men clinging to the blue refrigerator.

“You might see the fear in their faces,” said Mr. Merrick.

“They were cold. They looked very tired and weak.”

The men rescued on the boat began to sink off the coast of Boston.  Photo: Boston Police

The boat’s engine got tangled in lobster lines and failed, the unnamed couple said.

The current then pushed the ship onto the rocks and pierced the hull, according to police.

The men were brought ashore where doctors treated them for minor injuries and their boat was taken away from the scene.


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