Iran condemns two women to death for LGBTQ activism and Christianity, human rights organization says

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The Islamic Republic of Iran sentenced two Iranian women to death for their LGBTQ activism, promotion of Christianity and contact with the media opposed to the clerical regime in Tehran.

According to a Sunday report on the Norwegian-based Hengaw Organization for Human Rights website, “Zahra Sediqi Hamedani, known as ‘Sareh’, 31, of Naqadeh, and Elham Chubdar, 24, of Urmia were sentenced to death. by the revolutionary Court of Urmia in a joint case on the accusation of ‘Corruption on Earth’ through the promotion of homosexuality “.

Urmia is a city in the Iranian province of Western Azerbaijan, where Hengaw monitors human rights violations. Hengaw also said that the two women were sentenced for “promoting Christianity” and “communicating with the media that oppose the Islamic Republic”.


A day after the Hengaw report, the Iranian state-controlled News Agency of the Islamic Republic (IRNA) reported the sentences handed down to the two women. The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a US-designated terrorist entity, accused women of “promoting homosexuality, gambling, fraud and promoting illicit sexual relations and posting them on the Internet.”

The IRNA report states that the two women “abused” women and girls with regards to job opportunities outside the Islamic Republic of Iran. The “abuse” charge is linked to a human trafficking charge against women last year.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) arrested Zahra in November and, according to the pro-Iranian regime’s Tasnim news agency, some people were arrested on suspicion of “forming a gang of traffickers in girls and women. support homosexuality “.

According to an IRGC statement at the time, one of the charges against the vague “trafficking network” was “communicating and supporting homosexual groups” that “operated under the auspices of trans-regional intelligence services.”

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The Islamic Republic of Iran punishes homosexual relations with the death penalty. According to a 2008 British WikiLeaks cable, the Iranian regime has executed 4,000-6,000 gays and lesbians since the country’s 1979 Islamic revolution.

The Iranian, Lesbian and Transgender 6G network reported in December that Zahra has lived and worked in Iraqi Kurdistan. Iraqi Kurdistan police arrested her after giving a BBC Persian interview about jihadists in Iraq. She was jailed for 21 days in Iraq.

6G said Zahra tried to flee to Turkey for safety and released a video in case of imprisonment. 6G posted a video of him on his website. The Persian word for 6G is Shesh rang and embodies the six colors of the LGBTQ + flag.

An Iranian court reportedly sentenced two women to death.  The regime condemned them for LGBTQ activism, promotion of Christianity and contact with the media opposed to the clerical regime in Tehran.

An Iranian court reportedly sentenced two women to death. The regime condemned them for LGBTQ activism, promotion of Christianity and contact with the media opposed to the clerical regime in Tehran.


Zahra said in the video: “Today I arrived in Iran. The regime found out that I am here through my friends. Whenever I can be arrested. My life is in danger. I try to get out of Iran, I don’t know if. I can do it or not “.

Iranian scholar Alireza Nader told Fox News Digital: “The Biden administration claims to be concerned about global LGBT issues, but has remained silent on the persecution of these two LGBT activists in Iran. How can one take Biden seriously when he is silent about it. persecution of Iranian LGBT people by the regime? ” He added: “The United States should loudly condemn their persecution and make human rights a cornerstone of their Iranian policy. But words are not enough. The Biden administration should take real action, including pressure on the regime. by imposing additional sanctions on Iranian officials and repressive institutions. Unfortunately, Biden is trying to lift sanctions on the regime. “

State Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel was questioned on the case during a briefing on Monday and said he was aware of the condemnation reports of the two LGBTQ activists, telling reporters, “The United States strongly opposes all violations. of human rights against LGBTQI + people and urges governments to repeal laws that criminalize individuals on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sexual characteristics. ” He added that he had no further details regarding the specifics of the case.


Iranian-American journalist and women’s rights activist Masih Alijenad tweeted: “Inmate LGBT + rights advocate Zahra Sedighi-Hamedani was sentenced to death in Iran for. Yes, in the 21st century being homosexual is a punishable crime in Iran and now she and Elham Chobdar are condemned to be executed. This act of terror must be condemned by the world. Be their voice. “


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