India To Host G20 Leaders Summit In September Next Year | News from India

NEW DELHI: India will host the G20 Leaders Summit next year from 9 to 10 September and its presidency of the strategic multilateral platform, which brings together developed and emerging economies, starting from 1 December this year will see the government host 200 meetings across the country.
India will take over the presidency for one year, from December 1, 2022 to November 30, 2023, the government said in an official announcement Tuesday.
The intergovernmental forum of the world’s major developed and developing economies includes 19 countries and the European Union. In addition to the member states and international organizations that will participate in the summit, India will also invite Bangladesh, Egypt, Mauritius, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, Spain and the United Arab Emirates as host countries and the IT’S A (International Solar Alliance), CDRI (Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure) and ADB (Asian Development Bank) as host organizations. Bangladesh is the only immediate neighbor to enter India’s guest list.


“While our G20 priorities are being defined, the ongoing conversations revolve, among other things, on inclusive, equitable and sustainable growth; LiFE (lifestyle for the environment); female emancipation; digital public infrastructure and technological development in areas ranging from health, agriculture and education to commerce, skills mapping, culture and tourism; climate finance; circular economy; global food security; Energy security; green hydrogen; disaster risk reduction and resilience; development cooperation; fight against economic crime; and multilateral reforms, “the government said in its announcement.
The G20 accounts for 85% of world GDP, 75% of international trade and two thirds of the world population, making it the main forum for international economic cooperation, the government said.
India is currently part of the G20 Troika (current, previous and incoming G20 presidencies) which includes Indonesia, Italy and India. “During our presidency, India, Indonesia and Brazil would form the troika. This would be the first time the troika would be made up of three developing countries and emerging economies, giving them a broader voice, “he said.


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