Congressional Presidential Elections: Key Developments and Reactions | News from India

and Shashi Tharoor will enter the fray for first place.

he is unlikely to participate in party elections.


Sonia Gandhi will play a “neutral role”

Congress president Sonia Gandhi is reported to have told party leaders that internal elections are good for the organization and that she will play a “neutral role” in the process. The remarks have been variously interpreted, with some believing that her being “neutral” about her suggests that Rahul Gandhi is not ready to take back the reins of the party and may not agree to contest, and that an open competition was the welcome.

On Tuesday, the Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee unanimously passed a resolution in support of Rahul Gandhi for the post of party president. Representatives of the congressional committee asked Gandhi to run for the post of congress president taking into account “everyone’s feelings,” the resolution said. The head of the Congress of Haryana, Udai Bhan, said that the resolution to appoint him national president of the party was passed unanimously.

Anyone can challenge the congressional president’s vote, which will be free, fair and transparent, Congress Secretary General KC Venugopal said Tuesday after meeting with party leader Sonia Gandhi. “Anyone who wants to present a candidacy can present it. We have said that they will be open elections, anyone can participate, free and fair elections, certainly they will be transparent elections,” he said.

With Pradesh congressional committees passing a resolution seeking Rahul Gandhi at the helm of the AICC, party secretary general Jairam Ramesh said on Tuesday that such measures have no binding effect. Amidst indications that Congress leader Shashi Tharoor will run in the party’s presidential polls, Ramesh, he also said anyone could run for office, but he personally preferred to develop a consensus around one candidate.

When asked if Rahul Gandhi will contest, Venugopal said that only the former can decide and he “hasn’t told us anything”. On resolutions passed by various party state units calling for Rahul Gandhi to be elevated to the highest place, Venugopal said there was nothing wrong with party workers expressing their feelings.


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