Saudi Prince’s Ukrainian Mediation Reports ‘Helpful’ Russian Ties

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has won a diplomatic victory by guaranteeing the freedom of foreign fighters captured in Ukraine, signaling the value of the crown prince’s alliance with Russia to Western partners seeking to isolate Moscow during the war there, according to the analysts.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman may also find that the initiative – intentionally or not – is helping him move closer to international rehabilitation after the 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi damaged his reputation, they say.
With the mediation of Prince Mohammed, Russia on Wednesday released 10 foreigners it had captured in Ukraine, including five Britons and two Americans.
The move, apparently made possible by Prince Mohammed’s carefully nurtured ties to Russian President Vladimir Cheese friescoincided with a prisoner exchange involving 215 Ukrainians and 55 Russians and pro-Moscow Ukrainians that Turkey helped broker.
Christian Ulrichsenpolitical scientist at Rice University’s Baker Institute in the United States, said the working relationship between Saudi Arabia and Russia appears to have been a crucial element in choosing the middleman.
“By sanctioning this mediation and delivering results, Mohammed bin Salman is able to portray himself as capable of playing the role of regional statesman in a way that contradicts the crown prince’s narrative as an impulsive actor. and disruptive,” Ulrichsen said.
Prince Mohammed’s initial image as a bold reformer was shattered by the 2018 murder of Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist, at the hands of Saudi operatives seen as close to MbS.
He denies ordering Khashoggi’s murder while saying he ultimately bore responsibility because it happened on his watch.
In remarks to the BBC, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said the motivation behind Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the prisoner release was humanitarian. He denied that the crown prince had gotten involved in rehabilitating his reputation.
“It hasn’t been taken into account. I think it’s a very cynical view,” he said. He added that on the conflict itself, the kingdom wanted to see a negotiated solution and Riyadh was committed to trying to help achieve that outcome.
Prince Faisal says the Crown Prince has been engaging with Putin to strike a prisoner deal since April, when he ‘understood’ the issue of five British citizens following a visit to the Prime’s kingdom British minister at the time, Boris Johnson.
“His Royal Highness was able to convince President Putin that this is a worthwhile humanitarian gesture, and that is how we achieved this result,” Prince Faisal told Fox News .
The released prisoners, who also included a Croat, a Moroccan and a Swede, were flown to Riyadh on a Saudi plane where officials lined up to greet them.
US citizens Alexander Drueke, 39, and Andy Huynh, 27, both from Alabama, are expected to leave Saudi Arabia within days, officials said.
The importance of the kingdom, the world’s largest oil exporter, to both Washington and Moscow, has grown at a time when Russia’s war in Ukraine is upending global energy markets.
World leaders beat a path to Riyadh demanding more oil production. But Saudi Arabia has been unwilling to join efforts to isolate Russia. It has intensified its cooperation with Putin, including within the group of oil producers OPEC+.
A July visit by US President Joe Biden failed to secure commitments from the Saudis for an immediate increase in oil production or a tougher stance against Putin, underscoring tensions in relations between Washington and Riyadh. .
Ali Shihabi, a pro-government commentator, said Saudi mediation in the release of prisoners “was a first”.
“I think the kingdom was sending a message to the West that its ties with Russia could also be useful to them,” Shihabi said.
“You need certain countries to maintain ties with both sides.”
A Western diplomat said the prisoners’ deal took months to prepare, but most of the Gulf diplomatic community only heard about it at the very last stage.
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Prime Minister Liz Truss thanked the Saudi Crown Prince for his role.
Kristin Diwan, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, said it was unusual for Saudi Arabia to deploy the diplomatic brokerage strategy – something well established for smaller Gulf states like Qatar. to take advantage of their connections.
“It’s like alchemy – he (Prince Mohammed) turns his much-criticized ties with Russia into gold,” Diwan said.


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