Elon Musk Reveals He Will Support Ron DeSantis in 2024 US Presidential Election | US News

Elon Musk says he would support Republican Ron DeSantis if the Florida governor enters the race for the 2024 US presidential election.

Mr. DeSantis was re-elected with almost 60% of the vote in mid-term and has been tipped as a potential candidate to be the next leader of the United States.

Musk’s apparent endorsement of DeSantis comes as a Republican rival Donald Trump he was criticized for having dinner with a well-known white supremacist.

Musk wrote on Twitter: “My preference for the 2024 presidency is a reasonable and centrist person. I had hoped that would be the case for the Biden administration, but have been disappointed so far.”

When asked if he would back DeSantis in 2024, the Tesla owner replied in a tweet: “Yes.”

“As a reminder, I was a significant supporter of the Obama-Biden presidency and (reluctantly) voted for Biden over Trump,” Musk said.

Asked earlier about Musk’s support, Mr DeSantis he joked, “I welcome the support of African Americans, what can I say.”

Musk, who is white, grew up in South Africa.

Read more: Could DeSantis hinder Trump’s new run for the White House?

photo: AP
Photo by Ron DeSantis: AP

Trump distanced himself Friday from a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida with rapper Kanye West and white supremacist Nick Fuentes.

He claimed he did not know the identity of the far-right activist who was unexpectedly brought along with the rapper, NBC reports.

In a statement on his social platform Truth, Trump said: “Last week, Kanye West called me to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago. Shortly after, he unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, who I knew nothing about .”


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