Young players should be thankful David Warner has exposed Cricket Australia: Ian Chappell | Cricket News

NEW DELHI: Cricket Australia (CA) never protected players’ interest and David Warner’s win over captaincy ban revealed the authorities’ “backward protection tendencies”, says the legendary Ian Chappell.
Warner on Wednesday withdrew an offer to overturn his lifetime ban as captain, saying the review panel wanted him to suffer a “public lynching” and that he is not prepared to let his family be the ” washing machine for cricket’s dirty laundry”.
Chappell became the latest to back Warner after former skipper Michael Clarke also criticized CA for their lopsided review of his managerial ban and scapegoating the left-hander in the 2018 sandpaper scandal.
“I couldn’t be happier that David Warner told Cricket Australia the equivalent of ‘go get stuffed’ when he went public with his decision to withdraw his request for a review of his captaincy ban,” Chappell wrote in a column for ESPNCricinfo.
“It indicated that Warner – who had been advised by CA against a public outburst – did not trust the authorities to look out for his interests. This was a wise move by Warner as CA is known to only protect its own interests, not those of players.”
“Younger players should be grateful that Warner exposed CA’s trends in back protection. They should keep that in mind going forward.
“Most importantly, however, is that Warner’s withdrawal of his criticism shows how appalling the original decision to hand him a life-long ban from directing was,” observed the cricketer-turned-commentator.
Then Australian skipper Steve Smith and his then deputy Warner were both banned for 12 months after Cameron Bancroft was caught applying sandpaper to the ball during a game in South Africa. South in 2018.
While the trio received respective cricket bans, they also served leadership suspensions.
Smith was banned from holding a managerial position in Australian cricket for two years, while Warner was banned for life in this regard. Bancroft was banned from the captaincy for 12 months.
Observing that Warner and Smith should have received the “same leadership punishment after the Cape incident”, Chappell remarked that “the latter’s crime was greater”.
Cheating is indefensible, but so is Smith. Australia captain saying ‘I don’t want to know’ when he walked past Warner and Bancroft, who were deep in discussion in the dressing room before they set up the ball tampering plan,” the 79-year-old wrote.
“As captain, it was Smith’s job to know what his players were doing. If their motive was illegal, he had to put a quick end to any scheme.
“Smith’s crime was greater than Warner’s. It was therefore no wonder that Warner was enraged by his harsh initial punishment when others were treated with much more leniency.”
The former Australia captain has criticized authorities for their handling of the issue.
“During the events in South Africa and afterwards, CA got it wrong on a regular basis because self-protection is a priority for them.
“The lopsided punishments, the botched integrity review in South Africa, and then the absurd decision not to allow the Australian players to be called – their list of failures goes on. No wonder Warner had his stomach full , but he picked the right target to attack.”
Warner, 36, is still living with the managerial ban, four years after the infamous Cape Town Test, but Smith is back on top in the ongoing day-night second Test against the West Indies after skipper Pat retired with injury Cummins.
“I doubt Warner expected to gain a leadership position in the Australian setup even with a successful review of the ban he received after the ball tampering debacle in South Africa in 2018,” wrote Chappel.
“He is too old to be considered for a captaincy in the Australian regime despite always having great leadership instincts.
“However, I think Warner had hoped that he might be able to manage his BBL team, Sydney Thunder, at some point. Too bad because he would have been the perfect person to guide young players on their cricketing path. worry CA because he will always be a leader and will be listened to by any cricketer who wants to get ahead.”
Chappell thinks Warner may have been “hated” by a CA administrator because he openly spoke out against the administration in their pay dispute.
“It’s unclear whether Warner was disliked by a director, or it was because he was ready to speak out during the feisty salary dispute and it’s likely he will remain that way. What the we know is that Warner will not be bullied.”
Urging Warner to write a revealing book, Chappell wrote: “He will have his say and if he reveals everything later in a book it will be worth reading. It may take some work to get his book gets published because there’ll be a lot of red faces around if it reaches the public.”


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