No mention of Afghanistan in Biden’s State of the Union address as displaced Afghans leave in limbo

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas decided to highlight President Biden’s failures in Afghanistan after the US withdrawal by inviting former Afghan Ambassador Roya Rahmani to be his guest at the state address of the Union.

Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., a Navy veteran, invited Shamsrrahman “Shams” Rahmani, an Afghan national who worked as a construction manager for a military contractor in Afghanistan. Rahmani is a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holder who finally arrived in the United States in December after fears for his life.

Veterans group No One Left Behind was instrumental in the evacuation of him and his family.


Analysts noted that President Biden did not mention Afghanistan or the threat posed by ISIS or al Qaeda in his State of the Union address. He nor he mentioned the thousands of displaced Afghans who remain in limbo on bases overseas. It has been 18 months since the US military took them out of Kabul during the chaotic Afghan withdrawal.

New reports from Afghanistan suggest global terror groups are gathering strength now that the US military is gone.

Tens of thousands of Afghans brought to the United States as part of the evacuation still face immigration hurdles and legal risks, including possible deportation due to State Department delays. Some prominent Republicans in Congress are refusing to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act, which would give displaced people a legal path to citizenship.

Fox News has learned that 2,000 displaced Afghans are still awaiting their fate in the UAE, where they remain in the Emirates Humanitarian City awaiting their documents for the US or third countries.

Among those families stranded in Dubai are at least 200 Afghans eligible for P1 and P2 humanitarian refugee visas who have passed most checks to come to the US Their biggest obstacle is the State Department, which has not stamped their paperwork for onward travel to the United States arranged by the department. Some of those displaced have threatened a hunger strike this week to bring awareness to their plight.

In an exclusive interview, Fox News spoke with Ali Maisam Nazary, head of foreign relations of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF). He represents the remaining US-trained Afghan commandos in Afghanistan who are still fighting the Taliban and want US support.

“After the takeover of the country by the Taliban terrorists, Afghanistan has once again become a hub and haven for international and regional terrorism for jihadists around the world. And in the past year and a half, they have been these groups to continue the global war on terror,” Nazary said. He says the world is in a pre-9/11 moment and he can’t afford to look away from the void that has been left in Afghanistan.

“They have been fighting international and regional terrorism inside Afghanistan against global jihadism for the past one and a half years.” said Nazar. He talked about the strength of the NRF forces.


“They fought and fought for the freedom of Afghanistan and to restore democracy in that country. So, the fight has continued. These commandos, which are the most well-trained forces in the region, many of them have continued,” said Nazary .

Nazary provided Fox News with photos of US-trained Afghan commandos wearing US-supplied gear fighting under General Ahmad Shah Massoud, the son of the famous Afghan commander known as the Lion of Panjshir. He bravely fought the Soviets and was killed by al Qaeda on the eve of 9/11. Nazary says the NRF is now present in 12 provinces.

“They have demonstrated their competence. They have demonstrated their will and determination not only to fight for their country’s freedom and democracy, but also to fight against global jihadism and international terrorism, which threatens global security today,” Nazary he told Fox News.

Nazary warns that Russia and Iran are actively trying to recruit these US-trained elite fighters and wonders why the US government doesn’t want to continue supporting them or use them to train forces in Ukraine.


“When they are abandoned and ignored by those who have trained, financed and advised them for 20 years, of course, there will be other players and other countries that will exploit the situation and recruit them and not only them, but also terrorist groups. So, time it’s essential,” Nazary explained.


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