White House Rejects Claims US Caused Nord Stream Pipeline Explosions | US News

The White House has rejected allegations that the United States is behind the explosions of the Nord Stream pipeline, arguing that the reports are “completely false”.

The allegations, published by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, say the explosions that took place last September were carried out on orders from the president Joe Biden.

However the claims were denied by a spokesman for the White House National Council, who added that they were “completely false and complete fiction”.

The alleged findings, which were not confirmed by Reuters, were also criticized by CIA and State Department spokesmen.

THE WE AND BORN called the incident “an act of sabotage”, while Sweden and Denmark both concluded that the the pipelines were blown up deliberately.

Neither country has said who might be responsible for the attacks.

Moscow has blamed the West for the unexplained explosions and said the United States has questions to answer about its role in what may have happened.

The gas leak at Nord Stream 2 seen from the Danish F-16 interceptor over Bornholm.  Photo: Danish defence
Pic: Danish Defence

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov added that there would be “consequences” for the United States, but have not yet provided any proof.

Ryabkov also said the allegations made in the post “came no surprise” to Moscow as it had been clear from the outset who would gain from the sabotage of the pipelines.

To know more:
How the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has been controversial from the start
The pipeline linking Russia to Germany is a symbol of how toxic political decisions can become

What is Nord Stream 2?

The construction of Nord Stream 2 was designed to double the volume of gas Russia could send to Germany under the Baltic Sea.

photo: AP
photo: AP

It was completed in September 2021, but never put into operation after Berlin shelved the certification just days before Moscow sent its troops to Ukraine in February 2022.

The project cost $11 (£8bn) and crosses the sea, starting near Narva Bay in the Ust-Luga area of ​​the Kingisepp District in the Leningrad Region of Russia.


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