How to make money in 2023: Gold, MF, FD or property – best investment ideas explained

Paths to Wealth Creation 2023: Between the ongoing global economic turmoil and stock market volatility, what should a small investor’s investment strategy be? Should you invest in mutual funds, stocks, real estate, gold, international funds, fixed income products? In this episode of TOI Wallet Talks, Ahil Shetty CEO answers all these important questions.
According to Adhil Shetty, passive index funds they are the right investment option for a small investor, given their historical outperformance. They’re also a relatively risk-free option for steadily growing wealth, according to him. Shetty also talks about the benefits of investing in systematic investment plans (SIPs).

Best Investment Ideas 2023 – MF, Gold, Real Estate or Fixed Deposits? Explained

When asked about his real estate outlook for 2023, he explains that while buying a home to live in makes sense, emotionally too, it hasn’t emerged as the best investment bet in recent years.
In an extensive interview, Adhil Shetty talks about how diversifying into too many assets can work for a sophisticated investor, but a small investor should stick to relatively risk-free options. She also discusses at length the prospects of gold versus gold ETFs and how fixed deposits with the assured rate of return they are a good bet for wealth building for the elderly.
Finally, it answers the most important question: with the increase in EMI due to RBI‘S repo rate excursion, you should prepay your loans or try to invest more money. Watch this episode of TOI Wallet Talks and make an informed decision about the best investment options for your money in 2023.


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