CBSE Board Exam 2023: ChatGPT among prohibited items in CBSE exams |

NEW DELHI: List of Prohibited Items in the CBSE Exam Centres during the X and XII class cards include the use of AI-based Chat GPT. Instructions were given on Tuesday.
According to the instructions given by the Council in advance CBSE extension Board Exam 2023 which will start on Wednesday, “Mobile, ChatGPT and other electronic devices will not be allowed in the exam room”.
READ ALSO: CBSE Board 2023 exam date sheet
Board officials said the bans are meant to stop any use of unfair means during the exam.
“Students are not allowed to bring any electronic devices into the exam centre. This includes using the device to access ChatGPT so as not to use any unfair means,” said Sanyam Bhardwaj, controller, CBSE.
GPT chat (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer), which was launched in November 2022, is capable of generating speech, song, marketing lyrics, news articles and student essays or human-like text based on the input you provide.


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