The BJP’s official Twitter handle tweeted, “The first episode of Congress Files, see how corruption and scams happened one after another under the rule of Congress.”
In the video message titled ‘Congress Means Corruption’, the BJP said, ‘Congress has plundered Rs 48,20,69,00,00,000 from the public in 70 years of government. That money could have been used for so many useful areas of the security and development”.
“Using so much, 24 INS Vikrant300 Jet rafaleand 1000 Mangal missions it could have been made or bought. But the country has had to bear the cost of Congressional corruption and has fallen behind in the race for progress,” the video message added.
The BJP further attacked the Congress party and called its tenure from 2004 to 2014 a “lost decade”.
The BJP further said in the video: “Keep the whole 70 years aside, if we look only at the last term of 2004-14, it was a ‘lost decade’. The government was led by Manmohan Singh, who turned a blind eye about all the corruption that continued to occur under his rule. In those days, the newspapers were filled with reports of corruption, looking at which every Indian’s head hung with shame.”
“Coal scam of Rs 1.86 lakh crore, 2G Spectrum scam of Rs 1.76 lakh crore, MNREGA scam of Rs 10 lakh crore, Commonwealth scam of Rs 70,000 crore, a bribe of Rs 362 crore in the settlement with the ‘helicopter with Italy, 12 crore bribe for chairman of railway board,’ he added.
At the end of the video message, BJP said, “This is just Congress corruption jhanki (trailer), the movie is not finished yet.”