Clash of thieves: Two thugs race, fight with each other to steal package in US

Security cameras captured two burglars competing against each other to steal a package from a Pennsylvania resident‘s front door. The incident occurred mere moments after a FedEx driver had carefully placed the package and taken a photo to confirm the delivery.
The CCTV footage shows the FedEx driver walking up the driveway, placing the package in front of the homeowner’s front door, and snapping a photograph to document the completed delivery.
As the driver was still making his way back to the van, two individuals abruptly emerge from their vehicles parked in front of the house simultaneously. They race towards the package, both determined to claim it for themselves. The two men engage in a verbal altercation before hastily retreating to their respective cars after one of them takes the package and speeds off in the same direction.

Kevin Lara, the homeowner, shared the disturbing video on Facebook, expressing his disbelief at the situation.”Just had a very expensive package stolen as soon as it got delivered from AT&T. Poor FedEx driver looks scared,” he wrote.
Commenting on the video of thieves, a user going by the name Joshua Walker said, “Two criminals competing to commit a crime. This. Is. Wild.”
Questioning how the burglars had an idea of what was there in the package, a user RedWave Press said, “Someone at FedEx is telling criminals what packages to hit and when. Prosecutors need to give out harsh punishment to these criminals and this would stop happening.”
This was similar to an event that unfolded in Columbus, Ohio where a criminal committed a bold theft, snatching a package mere moments after it was left at a residence. A FedEx employee had just alerted the homeowners to the arrival of their package by ringing the doorbell. Suddenly, a thief appeared from behind, swiftly seized the parcel, and fled the scene, sprinting down the driveway.


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