‘Inhumane acts that do not belong to Italians’: PM Giorgia Meloni pays homage to Indian farm worker Satnam Singh in Parliament

NEW DELHI: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Wednesday paid homage to Indian farm worker Satnam Singh, who died recently after being dumped on the road by his employer following a severe injury.
Singh, who was undocumented, had his arm severed by a machine, and was left on the road to die. The incident prompted widespread protests and demands for justice and better labor laws.
The 31-year old had been working without legal papers when his arm was cut off by a machine. His employer discarded him by the roadside along with his severed limb. Local police responded quickly, dispatching an air ambulance after receiving a distress call from Singh’s wife and friends.

The death of Singh ignited massive protests throughout Italy. People are calling for swift justice and advocacy for improved labor laws. Giorgia Meloni voiced her condolences in the Italian parliament and referred to Singh as a victim of ‘inhuman acts,’ promising strict punishment for those responsible.
“These are inhumane acts that do not belong to the Italian people. I hope that this barbarity will be punished harshly,” said Meloni.


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