Opposition fumes as minister skips Maharashtra Legislative Council session | Mumbai News

MUMBAI: The Maharashtra legislative council session on Monday saw opposition members objecting to the absence of Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Sanjay Bansode, who was attending a statue unveiling.
NCP MLC Shashikant Shinde raised the issue during the Question Hour after a question relating to Bansode’s ministry was posed.
BJP leader and state Higher and Technical Education minister Chandrakant Patil stepped in, stating he had taken the briefing and would address the question.
Legislative council deputy chairperson Neelam Gorhe clarified, “Bansode had informed me and received permission to attend the inauguration of a statue in his assembly constituency. I permitted him to go there.”
However, the explanation did not satisfy the opposition. MLC Kapil Patil emphasized the importance of attendance during the session.
“The minister should not underestimate the sanctity of the House. When the House is in session, no other work in the state is considered necessary. How can a statue inauguration be more important than the functioning of the council? Such a permission should not have been granted to minister Bansode,” said Patil.
Responding to this, Gorhe assured that minister Bansode had been warned about the importance of attending the session over other commitments.


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