Donald Trump Book: Donald Trump now has a reply to those who claimed he was ‘rude’ to Queen Elizabeth

There are contradictory accounts of what Queen Elizabeth II thought about former US president Donald Trump, his marriage with Melania. But now we know what Trump thought about the Queen. In his book Save America to be published on September 3, which is a collection of memorable photos from Trump’s life, Trump wrote: “They said I made the Queen happy, and I said, ‘No she made me happy!”.This has been written next to a photo of Trump laughing with the late Queen.
Recently, there was some controversy over Craig Brown’s claim that the late Queen thought Trump was rude. Brown wrote in his book A Voyage Around the Queen that the Queen confided in a lunch guest that Trump was always looking over her shoulder as if he was looking for something more interesting. Brown claimed that the Queen also believed that Trump had some kind of an arrangement with Melania.
Trump election campaign dismissed the claim and said it was a fake news intended to sell more copies of the book. “This is nothing more than fake news intended to use made-up, salacious fabrications in order to sell copies of a book that belongs in the bargain bin of the fiction section,” Steven Cheung, Trump’s communications director said.
‘I was her favorite president’
In the wake of the ‘rude’ claim, Donald Trump told Daily Mail that it was just the opposite. He was her favorite president, Trump said claiming that Queen told that to many people. “We spent hours together at a state dinner. She was a fantastic woman. I think it’s a shame that a sleaze bag can write an article that’s totally false. In fact, I’ve heard always the opposite,” Trump earlier commented.
On Angela Merkel
“While people thought I didn’t get along with her, I did very much get along with her. She was a strong leader who made two mistakes on energy and allowing in more than one million aliens (migrants) into Germany. Germany paid a big price for both, but she’s a good woman,” Trump wrote about former German chancellor Angela Merkel.
On Putin
“Vladimir Putin took land under Bush, Obama, and is trying for all of Ukraine thanks to Biden, but he never would have tried anything with me! Vladimir is a strong man, but we had an understanding, and got along well. He never would have gone into Ukraine if I were President. So sad to see what has happened with all of the Death and Destruction!”


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