COP27 Inclusion of Sustainable Lifestyle Key for India: Union Minister Bhupender Yadav | News from India

NEW DELHI: With more than 195 countries reaching a final deal at the United Nations climate talks (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh on Sunday, India, which has actively participated in the two-week negotiations through multiple interventions, welcomed with favor its outcome, paving the way for the creation of a loss and damage fund and the inclusion of “the transition to sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption and production” in its coverage decision.
“The inclusion of a sustainable lifestyle is the most meaningful thing to us. It is Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has promoted an environmentally friendly lifestyle through his mantra of Mission LiFE (lifestyle for the environment) and the world today has moved in that direction by including it in the implementation plan to address climate change. minister Bhupender Yadav he told TOI after the conclusion of the climate talks.

The COP27 Covering Decision noted the importance of transitioning to sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption and production for efforts to tackle climate change. It also noted the importance of pursuing an approach to education that promotes a change in lifestyles while promoting development and sustainability models based on caregiving, community and cooperation.

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“Despite many differences and individual concerns, countries have shown remarkable earnestness in seeking to make meaningful progress on all issues impacting the fight against climate change,” the minister said, referring to the grueling COP27 negotiating rounds.

When asked about the deal on the loss and damage provision, Yadav, who led the Indian negotiating team, said: “We have all waited too long for this. Consensus on this was achieved after everyone’s tireless efforts. We welcome this move.”
Although wealthy nations had called for expanding the loss and damage fund’s donor base to include major economies like India and China as contributors, India made it clear during the discussions that although the country has voluntarily done its part to help vulnerable countries through different mechanisms, will not necessarily contribute to the proposed fund. Developed countries had also proposed that the fund be used only by vulnerable developing countries.
When asked whether India would be one of the beneficiaries of the fund as it is mostly targeted at the most vulnerable countries, Yadav argued that India too has many vulnerable areas. “Naturally, priority will be given to least developed countries and small island nations. But our vulnerable areas (like Lakshadweep, Sundarban etc) will also benefit from such funds,” he said.


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