More than 150 people slightly injured after the collision of two trains in the Spanish region of Catalonia | world news

Two trains collided in northeastern Spain, causing 155 minor injuries, according to Catalan authorities.

“Among the passengers, several people were slightly injured and are awaiting assessment,” local emergency services said on Twitter.

Officials gave no further details on the nature of the injuries, but local media said no one was seriously injured.

Three people have so far been transferred to different health centers with minor injuries, the General Directorate of Civil Protection tweeted.

The collision took place on a train line in Montcada i Reixac, a town just north of Barcelona.

The Catalan government’s representative in Madrid, Ester Capella, told Spanish national radio that officials were investigating the incident.

The trains came from public carrier Rodalies de Catalunya (Rodalíes), which has operated train lines in Barcelona since 1990.


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