Roger Federer recalls how Wimbledon security guard refused to let him in after forgetting his pass | UK News

Roger Federer thought his eight tournament wins at Wimbledon would be enough to get him through the visitors’ door – but he was thwarted as a security guard enforced a ‘no card, no entry’ policy.

The tennis star attempted to drop by unannounced for tea with his coach while he was in London for a doctor’s appointment.

But when he went to the visitors’ gate and asked how he could get in, he was repeatedly asked for his membership card – the security guard not recognizing him.

The question puzzled him.

Recalling the story, he said, “When you win Wimbledon, you become a member automatically. And honestly, I don’t know about membership cards, they’re probably somewhere in my house and I just traveled, so I had no idea.

“I’m like, ‘No, I don’t have my membership card, but I’m a member. I’m just wondering where I can enter “.”

The guard remained unresponsive to his pleas, Federer told host Trevor Noah on The Daily Show, leaving him to try to explain himself again.

“There are (usually) a lot of people, and I come in a different way. And it’s the first time I’ve been here when the tournament isn’t in progress and I don’t know where to come in, so I’m just asking you again where I can come in.”

Ferderer said he was told: “On the other side, but you have to be a member.”

“So I look at her one last time and I’m in a panic now – and I still can’t believe I said that because I still feel bad about it – but I look at her and say, ‘ I’ve won this tournament eight times. Please believe me I am a member. Where can I enter? ‘”

The 41-year-old managed to enter through another door after someone asked him for a selfie and another security guard recognized him.

He joked, “I thought about going to the other side and giving a wave I was in, but I didn’t.”

Federer won 20 Grand Slams, including eight titles at Wimbledon. He said he never normally brags about his titles, so he had a split second of doubt as to whether he had won seven or eight times.

The great Swiss tennis announced his retirement in September.

At the time, he said he “needs to recognize when it’s time to end my competitive career”.

“The past three years have presented me with challenges in the form of injuries and surgeries.

“I’ve worked hard to get back to full competitive form. But I also know my body’s capabilities and limitations and the message it has given me lately has been clear.”


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