Musharraf leaves a mixed legacy, he will be remembered for Kargil

With his death after a long illness, Pakistan’s former president Pervez Musharraf leaves in his wake a two-faced legacy in relations with India that saw him preside over some horrendous acts of terrorism but later, under pressure from United States allegedly threatening to bomb Stone Age Pakistan after 9/11, demanding peace.

While he will still be best remembered here for his 1999 Kargil adventurism, a chastened Musharraf got the two sides to a ceasefire agreement in 2003, facilitating then Prime Minister AB Vajpayee’s visit to Pakistan for the Saarc summit next year.

Musharraf’s efforts to seek international legitimacy also saw a reduction in violence during that period and, in 2006, his 4-point peace formula for Kashmir which he arrived at with Vajpayee’s successor Manmohan Singh, bringing the India and Pakistan very close to a “non-territorial solution.
Musharraf effectively dominated Pakistan for 10 long years, from when he was appointed army chief by then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 1998 until his resignation as president in 2008.
While Sharif had made him army chief, Musharraf wasted no time in undermining the Prime Minister’s authority by ordering the Kargil infiltration just 3 months after India and Pakistan signed the Lahore Declaration during Vajpayee’s visit to Pakistan in 1999.

The Declaration, together with the Simla Agreement, continues to provide the basis for the 2 countries to resolve all issues bilaterally. The same year Sharif was overthrown in a military coup by Musharraf.
As former Indian ambassador to Pakistan Sharat Sabharwal says, Musharraf leaves behind a mixed legacy.
“It can be divided into 2 phases. The first, after he took over as Army Chief of Staff, was marked by extreme adventurism. Major acts of terrorism such as the hijacking of IC 814 and the attack on Parliament are under his watch. Later, due to 9/11 and pressure from the West, he adopted a more reasonable position. That was when the violence subsided and there were secret talks,” says Sabharwal.


Pervez Musharraf: From Military Ruler to Forgotten Man in Pakistani Politics

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Musharraf’s hubris has also been seen as one of the reasons for the debacle of the Agra summit in 2001, shortly before which he officially nominated himself president. The Vajpayee government’s very invitation to Musharraf for the summit – just 18 months after the IC814 hijacking – offers a stark contrast to how the NDA government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has chosen to deal with Pakistan with his “terror and talks”. t-go together policy.
Shortly before the summit, Musharraf even met with Hurriyat leaders at the Pakistan High Commission and promised them moral and political support. Years later, in 2014, the Modi government effectively drew a red line for any bilateral engagement by canceling the then foreign minister’s visit to Islamabad because the Pakistani high commissioner here had held a meeting with separatists shortly before the visit.

This was also the reason why the Indian government insisted on calling the 10-point dialogue process launched in 2015 a “bilateral” global dialogue and not just, as Pakistan initially wanted, a global dialogue.
Despite his peace initiatives, Musharraf in the fullness of time will be remembered more for dragging India into the Kargil war than for his 4-point Kashmir formula. As Sabharwal says, the formula was a major initiative and there was interest on both sides to move forward.
It was perhaps the first time that the 2 countries had nearly reached an agreement for a non-territorial settlement to the Kashmir issue. Musharraf resigned in 2008 after his clash with the judiciary and the peace formula is now only the subject of academic discussion.


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