Colombia says ‘object’ sighted overhead after US warning over Chinese balloon

BOGOTA: Colombia said an “object” flew over its territory after Washington warned that a suspected Chinese spy balloon similar to the one shot down off the US coast had been sighted over Latin America.
of Colombia air Force it said the object with “balloon-like characteristics” was detected on Friday and “monitored until it left domestic airspace.”
The object flew at an altitude of 55,000 feet (17,000 meters) and an average speed of 25 knots (29 miles per hour, 46 kilometers per hour), an Air Force statement said Saturday, adding that it “did not constitutes a threat to national security and defense or to aviation safety”.
The Air Force said it was conducting investigations in coordination with other countries and institutions “to establish the object’s origins.”
A US fighter jet shot down what it said was a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina on Saturday, citing an “unacceptable violation.”
The aircraft spent several days flying over North America, raising tensions between Washington and Beijing, according to which it was a weather balloon that exploded off course.
Another suspected Chinese spy balloon has been sighted over Latin America, the Pentagon he said Friday, without giving details.


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