Residents Raise $ 100,000 for Library at Risk of Closure After Funds Cut on LGBT Books | News from the United States

Residents in a small Michigan town raised more than $ 100,000 for their local library after its funding was cut due to the inclusion of LGBT books.

The library is described as the “center of the community,” but has seen its budget cut by 84% after objections from some conservative residents.

Voters rejected a proposal to renew tax funds for the Patmos Library in Hudsonville, removing $ 245,000 (£ 201,709) from the public library’s annual budget.

The library has been in the sights of some conservative residents since November, when a small group of parents raised concerns about the availability of some books related to LGBT people.

Although the library agreed to place some of the marked titles behind the circulation counter, it wasn’t enough to persuade voters to continue funding the library, NBC reported.

It comes as the state supreme court ruled Michigan companies cannot fire employees or discriminate against customers because of their sexual orientation, a big win for LGBT rights in the US state.

Larry Walton, chairman of the library’s board of directors, told local news site Bridge Michigan that he didn’t expect the loss of funds and that the library would likely run out of money by the end of next year without those tax dollars.

“The library is the center of the community,” he said. “For individuals being shortsighted to shut down all of this for the LGBTQ opposition is very disappointing.”

Two days after the vote, Jesse Dillman, a resident of nearby Jamestown, launched an online fundraiser to help raise the $ 245,000 to keep the library open.

“I am very passionate about this and I have people who are behind me to do it,” he said in an interview.

“I think I have to do it now, because the iron is hot. If this happens, it will happen now.”

Read more:
“Don’t Tell Gay” Bill Signed: Teachers Are Banned From Giving Sexual Orientation Lessons In Florida

As of Friday morning around $ 104,832 (£ 86,322) has been raised towards the $ 245,000 goal.

One donor, Michigan librarian Beth Pierson, wrote on the fundraising page: “I am saddened and frightened by what I see across the country about attempts to restrict freedom of access to information.

“Thank you for stepping up to do the right thing for the Patmos Library!”


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