US military shoots down another unidentified object | US News

The US military has shot down another unidentified flying object, this time over Lake Huron in Michigan.

The removal is the fourth in just over a week and the third in as many days after the objects were shot down in Alaska and Canada on Friday and Saturday, respectively.

Officials who spoke to Reuters news agency on condition of anonymity declined to say what the latest item looked like.

They also didn’t reveal whether it was maneuverable or just floated with the air currents.

Earlier, the White House said the unidentified objects shot down over Alaska and Canada looked nothing like the Chinese “spy” balloon that was shot down near South Carolina a week ago.

A spokesman for its National Security Council said they were “much smaller” but added: “We will not definitively characterize them until we can recover the debris, which we are working on.”

Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said recovery teams were searching his country’s territory for the downed object to figure out what its purpose was.

A US F-22 stealth fighter shot it down on Trudeau’s orders Saturday over the mountainous and sparsely populated Yukon in the northwest.

“Recovery teams are in the field, trying to find and analyze the object,” Trudeau told reporters as he drove into the region.

“There is still a lot to know about it. That’s why the analysis of this object will be very important.”


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