Joe Biden Strikes Out Donald Trump’s “Extreme Ideology” In Fiery Speech Before US Midterm Election | News from the United States

President Joe Biden has issued a broadside against the “extreme ideology” of Donald Trump and his supporters as the mid-term elections loom.

The US leader has summoned Americans of all kinds to help thwart what he described as dark forces within the Republican Party seeking to subvert democracy.

“Too much of what is happening in our country today is not normal,” he said Thursday in a speech before an audience of hundreds of people, raising his voice against pro-Trump troublemakers.

“There is no doubt that the Republican Party today is dominated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans,” using the acronym for Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan.

Entering risky political terrain, President Biden sought to balance his criticism with a call for more traditional Republicans to make their voices heard.

The prime-time speech in Philadelphia, the birthplace of American democracy, marked a sharp turn for President Biden as the midterm Congressional elections approached.

His remarks on Thursday on exposing political violence and soliciting bipartisan compromise came after speeches in recent days in which he condemned the MAGA philosophy as “semi-fascism” and assaulted Republican threats against the FBI after a search. of the Trump house in Florida calling them “repulsive”.

Some experts have warned that losing control of Congress would not only make President Biden a lame president, but would also hand over certification of the upcoming presidential election results to Trump sympathizers, some of whom have never accepted his victory in 2020. and who have undertaken to review the voting systems.

President Biden hinted at the concerns, saying, “I will not be watching elections in this country stolen by people who simply refuse to accept that they have lost.”

Read more: Released photo of top secret documents uncovered during the FBI search of Trump’s home

Joe Biden in his most political and most astute form

President Biden previously avoided calling Donald Trump by name, instead referring to him as “my predecessor” or “the former president”.

But with the backdrop of Philadelphia’s dramatically lit Independence Hall, where the United States Constitution was debated and signed by America’s founding fathers, President Biden was speechless and unwavering.

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” he said.

This was Joe Biden in his most political and most astute form. The president and the Democratic Party have calculated that the best chance of success in the upcoming midterm elections and beyond is to keep the focus on Donald Trump and what they have called his “most extremist supporters.”

In doing so, he is forcing Republican mid-term election candidates to declare their support for Donald Trump.

By focusing so intensely on the Republican Party, President Biden risks alienating voters who may think it is a cynical move to distract from the more everyday problems Americans face, such as high prices at the grocery store and gas pump.

Meanwhile, GOP leaders quickly accused him of only fostering political divisions.

Republican House of Representatives leader Kevin McCarthy said President Biden is ignoring crime and inflation to criticize his fellow citizens.

“Instead of trying to unite our country to solve these challenges, President Biden has chosen to divide, belittle and denigrate his fellow Americans,” he said.

“Why? Simply because I disagree with his policies.”


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