Prime Minister Narendra Modi supports economic and energy ties with Russia | News from India

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi further supported economic cooperation with Russia on Wednesday, as he told President Vladimir Put in that India wishes to strengthen its partnership with Russia on Arctic issues and that there is “immense potential” for cooperation in the field of energy. Modi was virtually attending the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum, which promotes development in the remote Russian Far East, when he made the remarks before Putin.
The Prime Minister also reiterated India’s support for all peaceful efforts to end the conflict in Ukraine, stating that shortages of cereals, fertilizers and fuels are a major concern for developing countries.


Modi said that the conflict in Ukraine and the Covid pandemic have had a strong impact on global supply chains, recalling that since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, India has stressed the need to embark on the path of diplomacy and dialogue. “We support all peaceful efforts to end this conflict. In this regard, we also welcome the recent agreement on the safe export of cereals and fertilizers,” she said, referring to the recent Russia-Ukraine agreement for cereals and fertilizers.
Modi will meet Putin and come face-to-face with Chinese President Xi Jinping next week in Uzbekistan at the SCO summit, amid efforts by the G7 to impose a ceiling on the price of Russian oil, although it is not yet clear whether he will have a bilateral meeting. structured with one of the two leaders. Both India, which has increased imports of crude oil from Russia, and China have not condemned Russia for its military action in Ukraine and so far have not seemed eager to support the proposed maximum price.
“The ancient Indian doctrine Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam taught us to see the world as a family. In today’s globalized world, events in one part of the world have an impact on the whole world,” Modi said in his speech.
While stressing the importance of India’s cooperation with the Russian Far East, Modi said the India Act East Policy has become a key pillar of the special and privileged strategic partnership between India and Russia.
“In addition to energy, India has also made significant investments in the Russian Far East in the pharmaceutical and diamond sectors,” Modi said, adding that Russia can become an important partner for the Indian steel industry through the supply of coking coal.
“We can also have good cooperation in talent mobility. Indian talent has contributed to the development of many developed regions of the world. I believe that Indian talent and professionalism can lead to rapid development in the Russian Far East,” he said. stated, adding connectivity through initiatives such as the International North-South Corridor, the Chennai-Vladivostok Maritime Corridor and the North Sea Route will play an important role in developing bilateral relations.
Addressing the same forum in 2021, Modi said that cooperation between India and Russia in the energy sector can help bring stability to the global energy market. Unlike last year, however, India did not send a minister to the forum and was represented on this occasion by its ambassador to Russia, Pavan Kapoor.


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