Dancing with Ford over a Mistake of Protocol with Carter: The Queen’s Meetings with 13 US Presidents | News from the UK

The Queen met with all but one serving US presidents during her extraordinary reign, including JFK, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama.

Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh are greeted by Harry Truman in Washington DC in 1951
Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh are greeted by Harry Truman in Washington DC in 1951

Harry Truman it was the first in 1951 when Queen she was still a princess – and seven years after she ascended the throne, Dwight D Eisenhower visited the UK.

Princess Anna And Prince Charles were pictured next to him, in kilts, during his 1959 trip to Balmoral.

Dwight Eisenhower is pictured with the Queen, Prince Philip, a young Prince Charles and Princess Anne at Balmoral in August 1959. Photo: AP
Dwight Eisenhower is pictured with the Queen, Prince Philip, a young Prince Charles and Princess Anne at Balmoral in August 1959. Photo: AP

John F. Kennedy and his wife he visited in June 1961, just six months after his presidency. The queen was 35 at the time.

A state banquet was held at Buckingham Palace and the charming couple’s visit was dramatized in hit TV series The crown.

Two years later, on November 22, 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

The Queen poses with John and Jackie Kennedy in June 1961. Pic: AP
The Queen poses with John and Jackie Kennedy in June 1961. Pic: AP

Lyndon B Johnsonwho succeeded JFK and served from 1963 to 1969, he was the only US president to never meet the queen during his reign.

She probably would have met Mr. Johnson at Mr. Kennedy’s funeral, but she was five months pregnant Prince Edward at the time and so on Prince Philip went instead.

The Queen meets Richard Nixon in February 1969 at Buckingham Palace Pic: AP
The Queen met Richard Nixon in February 1969 at Buckingham Palace. Image: AP

Richard Nixon ate lunch at Buckingham Palace in February 1969, during his visit to then Prime Minister Harold Wilson.

Nixon ended up resigning five years later after the Watergate scandal.

Gerald Ford danced with Queen in Washington, but the band played an unfortunate tune
Gerald Ford danced with Queen in Washington in July 1976

Gerald Ford he did not visit the UK during his two and a half years in office. However, the queen met him on the other side of the pond during a visit in July 1976.

The couple danced together at a state dinner at the White House, but with unfortunate timing the band played The Lady Is A Tramp as the queen hit the dancefloor, a now infamous misstep.

Jimmy Carter met the Queen in London in May 1977, but upset the Queen Mother.  Image: AP
Jimmy Carter met the Queen in London in May 1977, but upset the Queen Mother. Image: AP

Jimmy Carter was next at Buckingham Palace in May 1977.

However, in another presidential gaffe, Carter threw protocol out the window and greeted the Queen Mother with a kiss on the lips.

According to biographer William Shawcross, he later wrote: “I have taken a sharp step back, not far enough.”

The Queen and Ronald Reagan on horseback in Windsor park in June 1982. Pic: AP
The Queen and Ronald Reagan on horseback in Windsor park in June 1982. Pic: AP

The president who did more for transatlantic “special relations” than any other Ronald Reagan.

His affinity with Margaret Thatcher is well known and, while in power, he also met the Queen three times in London in the 1980s.

Mr. Reagan’s first royal welcome was at Windsor Castle in 1982, where the two were famous as they rode together in the park.

After leaving the White House in 1989, the queen awarded him the title of honorary knight.

The Queen and Prince Philip are pictured with George Bush Senior and his wife Barbara in May 1991. Pic: AP
The Queen and Prince Philip are pictured with George Bush Senior and his wife Barbara in May 1991. Pic: AP

The eighth president to meet the queen was George HW Bush. He flew by plane in May 1989, just five months after he was sworn in.

The Queen visited the United States two years later, but as she got up to give a speech on the lawn outside the White House, there were some red faces.

It was partially hidden behind a set of microphones that had been set up for the much taller Mr. Bush.

He later told reporters that the queen laughed at the incident.

The Queen sits next to Bill Clinton at Portsmouth's Guildhall in June 1994. Pic: AP
The Queen sits next to Bill Clinton at Portsmouth’s Guildhall in June 1994. Pic: AP

Bill Clinton met the monarch during three of his many presidential stops in the UK – in 1994, 1995 and December 2000.

Years later, his wife Hillary Clinton she would come close to becoming the first female president of the United States in 2016, losing in the shock against electoral defeat Donald Trump.

The Queen and George W. Bush at the White House in May 2007. Pic: AP
The Queen and George W. Bush at the White House in May 2007. Pic: AP

Like father Like Son – George W. Bush he wasted no time meeting the prime minister and queen in the months after he was sworn in as the 43rd president.

But there were protests, involving tens of thousands of people, during his official state visit in November 2003.

Deeply unpopular due to the Iraq war controversy, an effigy of the president was toppled by protesters in Trafalgar Square.

However, the controversy did not appear to affect US-UK relations and the Queen visited the US in 2007, with the president returning to the UK a year later.

The Queen greets Barack Obama on his last visit to the UK in November 2016. Pic: AP
The Queen greets Barack Obama on his last visit to the UK in November 2016. Pic: AP
The Queen and Prince Philip and the Obamas at a state banquet in May 2011. Pic: AP
The Queen and Prince Philip and the Obamas at a state banquet in May 2011. Pic: AP

Barack Obama had a much smoother ride from the public when he visited the UK and met the Queen in 2009 – and the glitz of a full state visit followed in May 2011.

During his last visit as president in April 2016, his helicopter landed in the grounds of Windsor Castle with the queen all smiling as she walked to greet him along with Prince Philip.

Donald Trump first met the queen in July 2018. Pic: AP
Donald Trump first met the queen in July 2018. Pic: AP
Donald Trump laughs with the Queen during D-Day's 75th anniversary commemorations in June 2019. Pic: AP
Donald Trump laughs with the Queen during D-Day’s 75th anniversary commemorations in June 2019. Pic: AP

Donald Trump met the Queen for the first time in July 2018 during a summer visit to the UK. Her trip was met with huge protests in London, which memorably featured a giant balloon or “dirigible” that depicted him as a child.

Although he was repeatedly accused of violating royal protocol, he expressed great admiration for Her Majesty, describing her in a speech as an “incredible woman”.

He is First Lady Melania came back to the UK for a special state visit in 2019 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

The Queen with Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden in the Grand Corridor of Windsor Castle
The Queen with Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden in the Grand Corridor of Windsor Castle

The queen met her thirteenth president of the United States when Joe Biden visited Windsor Castle in June 2021.

It was the first state visit by any foreign leader since coronavirus The pandemic saw the queen terminate royal duties and quarantine at Windsor as part of the “HMS Bubble”.

Mr. Biden was accompanied by the first lady, Dr. Jill Biden, for the first time His Majesty had met a head of state alone after the death of Prince Philip.


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