38% of ICU patients with superbug infection die in 14 days: Study | News from India

MUMBAI: Results from the first year-long surveillance of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) in 120 intensive care units across the country reveal a grim picture of drug-scoring superbugs.
The superbugs, or drug-resistant microorganisms, were found in 3,080 blood samples and 792 other urine samples, according to the newborn. Health care India-associated infection surveillance. The presence of superbugs is an indicator of resistance to older antibiotics and the need for antibiotics of last resort such as carbapenems and colistin which are expensive and require IV infusions. Such antibiotic or antimicrobial resistance was recently flagged by the World Health Organization as a mega threat to public health.


HAI-Surveillance India is a central government effort between the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS-Delhi), the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and the US Center for Disease Control. YOU HAVE it is an infection that a patient contracts by virtue of having been in hospital for a long time, for example a patient with an invasive ventilator or urinary catheter.
Most doctors know this intensive care Patients in India who stay for longer periods become infected with gram-negative microorganisms, which are more difficult to treat than the gram-positive organisms found in ICUs in the western world.
‘The results confirmed the extent of these gram-negative infections,’ said AIIMS head of microbiology, Dr Purva Mathur, who leads the project. The survey found that gram-negative bacteria were widespread, accounting for 73.3% of all cases of blood infections and 53.1% of cases of urinary tract infections in Indian ICUs.
Additionally, it found that 38.1% of patients with bloodstream infections and another 27.9% with urinary tract infections died within a 14-day period (the study, however, stated that HAIs in these cases were perhaps only associated complications that did not directly contribute to death).
“UTIs are hotbeds for healthcare acquired infections. The findings underscore that we need to implement hospital infection control best practices and adopt management practices that reduce irrational use of antibiotics, ” said ICMR scientist Dr Kamini Walia, head of general resistance studies. antimicrobial in India.
Unlike the overall ICMR report, the HAIS report only looked at UTIs; Dr. Wali said he not only found widespread antibiotic resistance, but also found evidence of drug-resistant fungal infections.
To control the emergence of new superbugs, doctors such as Dr. Lancelot Pinto da Hinduja hospital he said: “We may have a higher antibiotic use audit among hospitals that will reveal how many hospitals follow the rules.” More importantly, HAI surveillance provides a point of reference for hospitals. “If we say a hospital has an HAI rate of 4 per 1,000, then you would know how it compares to other hospitals,” said Dr. Mathur.


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