Ways to Uzbekistan for SCO, to meet Putin, Iranian president | News from India

NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi arrived in Samarkand late Thursday for the SCO vertex where, how Ways stated in his departure statement, he will exchange views on topical, regional and international issues, the expansion of the SCO and further deepening cooperation within the Organization.
Modi’s late arrival allowed him to skip a welcome dinner, and even a boat ride, by Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, where he would be joined by leaders of China and Pakistan, 2 countries, among others. with which India’s ties remain strained. Official sources have not confirmed whether this was intentional, but have said that Modi’s attendance at the summit will be a short and discreet affair. Modi landed in Samarkand around 9pm and shouldn’t spend more than 24 hours there. As it turned out, Xi also didn’t show up for dinner despite him being in Samarkand.

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While he will have bilateral meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mirziyoyev and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Vinay Kwatra has neither confirmed nor denied a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. A structured bilateral meeting with Xi seemed difficult even though the Prime Minister’s schedule was packed until 5pm on Friday with the SCO and the bilateral meetings announced.
Modi and Xi will be together on Friday in 2 SCO meetings – a restricted session for member states and another extended session with Observers and other invitees – and will also join a lunch for the participating leaders.
“Under the Uzbek presidency, a number of decisions for mutual cooperation are likely to be taken in the fields of trade, economy, culture and tourism,” Modi said in his statement.

In view of the great meeting with Put inWhen asked whether India will consider joining the proposed G7 price cap on Russian oil, Kwatra said that India is not a member of the G7 and that when Indian entities go out and try to meet the needs energy security companies and source oil, essentially they source it from the market.
“These are not government-to-government purchases that we make. On the price cap coalition well, what form it takes, in what form it evolves is something, I think the people, the countries that launched that idea, maybe they can respond better to this, “the foreign minister said, indicating once again that India is not convinced that the price cap is a great idea.

Kwatra also said that the Prime Minister’s attendance at the summit reflects the importance India attaches to the SCO and its goals.
“We expect discussions at the summit to cover topical regional and international issues; reform and expansion of the SCO; the security situation in the region; our perspective for cooperation in the region, including strengthening connectivity and increasing trade and tourism in the region, “Kwatra said. The PM should address issues such as regional security, especially in the context of Afghanistan, and connectivity and trade.


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