‘Impunity Facilitates UNSC’, India Makes Veiled Digs Against China on Terrorist Sanctions | News from India

NEW DELHI: In a veiled jibe against China, which has blocked the blacklist of Pakistan-based terrorists on many occasions, India said Thursday that it is regrettable that in the security of the United Nations Advise “Impunity is facilitated and politics provides cover for evading accountability.”
India also reiterated that the need of the moment is to end the conflict in Ukraine and return to dialogue and said that “the nuclear issue is a particular anxiety”, underlining Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement to Russian President Vladimir Putin says this cannot be an era of war.
Blocked again by China
Offers from India, the United States and other Western allies to blacklist Pakistan-based terrorists under the Security Council sanctions regime have been blocked and suspended on several occasions by Islamabad’s all-season ally and the China, permanent member vetoing the Council of 15 Nations.

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“The fight against impunity is central to the wider pursuit of ensuring peace and justice. The United Nations Security Council must send an unambiguous and unambiguous message on this matter,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs. S Jaishankarwith China listening.
“Politics should never provide cover to evade accountability or to facilitate impunity. Unfortunately, we have seen it recently in this very House when it comes to sanctioning some of the most feared terrorists in the world,” he added.

Earlier this month, China suspended a proposal made to the United Nations by the United States and co-supported by India to designate the terrorist Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). Sajid Mirone of India’s most wanted terrorists and the main perpetrator of the 2008 Mumbai attack, as a global terrorist.
Beijing repeatedly puts on hold lists to blacklist Pakistan-based terrorists under the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee. This is the third time in recent months that China has blocked an India-US proposal.

Previously, Abdul Rehman Makki, leader of the LeT and Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), and Abdul Rauf Azhar, brother of Jaish-e Mohammed Masood Azhar, founder of (JeM), received “protection” from Beijing in the sanctions committee.
Immediately cease hostilities in Ukraine: Jaishankar
Noting that the trajectory of the conflict in Ukraine is a matter of deep concern to the entire international community, Jaishankar said the world has suffered its consequences in terms of higher costs and shortages of cereals, fertilizers and fuel.
The minister said the need of the moment is to end the conflict in Ukraine and return to the negotiating table. “This Council is the most powerful symbol of diplomacy. It must continue to live up to its purpose,” he said.
Jaishankar also recalled Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks during his meeting with Vladimir Putin at the SCO summit that this cannot be an era of war.
India, a non-permanent member of the council along with other members attended the meeting on Thursday.

“The trajectory of the conflict in Ukraine is a matter of deep concern for the entire international community. The prospects appear truly disturbing. In a globalized world, its impact is felt even in distant regions. We have all experienced the consequences in terms of actual costs and shortages of cereals, fertilizers and fuels. The global South, in particular, is suffering acutely. We must not initiate measures that further complicate the global economy, “said Jaishankar.
“This is why India strongly reiterates the need for an immediate cessation of all hostilities and a return to dialogue and diplomacy. Clearly, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi pointed out, this cannot be an era of war”, he added.
Permanent member
The day before, Jaishankar had said that India not being a permanent member of the UN Security Council “is not good for us or the global body” and its transformation is “overdue”.
He was answering a question about how long it will take India to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.
India has been at the forefront of UN efforts to push for urgent reform long awaiting the Security Council, pointing out that it rightfully deserves a seat at the UN high table as a permanent member.
Currently, the UNSC comprises five permanent members and 10 non-permanent member countries who are elected for a two-year term by the United Nations General Assembly.

The five permanent members are Russia, the United Kingdom, China, France and the United States, and these countries can veto any substantive resolution. There has been a growing demand to increase the number of permanent members to reflect the contemporary global reality.
“Obviously it’s a very difficult task because at the end of the day if you say what a definition of our global order is. The five permanent members are a very crucial definition of what the global order is. So it’s a very fundamental, very profound transformation that we are looking for, “Jaishankar said.
He said that within a few years India will be the third largest economy in the world, it will be the most populous society in the world. “Having such a country not featured on key global councils is obviously not good for us, but I would also like to urge that it is not good for the global council in question,” Jaishankar said.

“We believe the transformation is overdue because the UN is a product that was conceived eighty years ago. And 80 years ago by any standard of human creativity is a long time ago. The number of independent countries quadrupled in that period.” Jaishankar said, adding that there are large parts of the world that have been left out.
India is currently in the middle of the second year of its two-year term as a non-permanent elected member of the United Nations Security Council.
India’s mandate in the Council will end in December, when the country will also preside over the post of President of the powerful United Nations body for the month.
(With input from agencies)Wade India investigates China at UNSC, says “politics should not prevent sanctions against terrorists”


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