Brazil also abstains in UNSC vote condemning Russia’s actions in Ukraine

NEW DELHI: India abstained altogether more than a dozen times in the vote in UNSC on resolutions condemning Russia’s actions in Ukraine in what many see as a leaning towards Moscow, but he also maintained and reminded Russia, throughout, that the world order is based on Charter of the United Nationsinternational law and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States.
This was reiterated in India’s explanation of vote by Indian Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj, who also recalled Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for an immediate end to hostilities and a return to dialogue and diplomacy. While the West hailed Modi’s recent remark to President Vladimir Putin that this was not the era of war, Russia’s Ambassador to India Denis Alipov had insisted he didn’t There was no change in India’s position and that Western leaders had chosen Modi’s remarks that suited their own interests.
Significantly, the Brics’ Indian partner Brazil, who had previously voted to condemn Russia’s actions, also abstained. The resolution, which condemned referendums calling on nations not to recognize the changed status of Ukrainian territory, was vetoed by Russia. It will, however, be taken up by the UN General Assembly within the next 10 days, as specified in a resolution passed earlier to allow all UN member states to publicly review any use of the veto.
In his remarks after the vote, Kamboj cautioned against escalating rhetoric or tension saying it would not be in anyone’s interest. “It is important that ways are found for a return to the negotiating table,” she said.
India made no direct reference to the referendums, but Kamboj said India was deeply troubled by the recent turn of developments in Ukraine. “The Indian Prime Minister has also stressed that this cannot be an era of war. We therefore sincerely hope for a speedy resumption of peace talks leading to an immediate ceasefire and resolution of the conflict,” Kamboj said.


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