Trump calls for FBI revolt following raid on his home

WASHINGTON: Former US President Donald Asset On Tuesday, he virtually called for an FBI revolt following the raid on his Florida home to retrieve classified White House documents amid a warning from a key political ally that there would be “riots in the streets” if he was prosecuted for this case.
In what critics called an inflammatory call on his Truth Social social media platform aimed at driving a wedge within the government, Trump suggested to FBI agents who disagreed with the raid go “crazy” and “make America great again”.
“When are the big agents, and others, of the FBI going to say ‘we’re not going to put up with it anymore,’ just like they did when James Comey read a list of all of Crooked Hillary Clinton’s crimes, only to say that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute,” Trump said.
“The great people at the FBI have gone completely ‘mad’ so Comey had to backtrack and FAKE INVESTIGATION in order to keep them at bay,” he continued. “The end result, we won in 2016 (and did MUCH better in 2020!). But now the ‘left’ has lost its mind!!!”
A little later, he took up the post, urging, “FBI, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
Trump’s call came hours after US Senator Lindsey Graham, one of his staunchest supporters, said there would be “riots in the streets” if Trump was prosecuted. Graham later denied that his remark constituted incitement or a threat.
Trump made a similar double-edged appeal against the Biden administration last week, prompting the Washington Post to editorially accuse him of “summoning the crowd”.
A lawyer for Trump reportedly delivered what he called a “sinister” message to the Justice Department: “President Trump wants the Attorney General to know that he’s heard from people all over the country about the raid. there was a word to describe their mood, it was ‘angry’. The heat is rising. The pressure is rising. Whatever I can do to reduce the heat, to lower the pressure, let us know.
The newspaper compared Trump’s strategy to the “madman theory of foreign policy” adopted by Richard Nixon when he ordered his aides to suggest to his counterparts abroad that they might not be able to controlling an unstable and reckless president.
“Now Donald Trump and his defenders are using a version of that ploy to dissuade the Justice Department from prosecuting the former president, arguing that prosecuting Trump would dangerously incite his already angry supporters,” he said.


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