Roger Federer’s Retirement Statement | Tennis news

The following is Roger Federer’s letter in which the 20-time Grand Slam the champion announced that he would retire from the sport after the Laver cup this month:
To my tennis family and more,
Of all the gifts that tennis has given me over the years, the greatest, without a doubt, were the people I met along the way: my friends, my competitors and above all the fans who bring the sport to life. Today I want to share some news with you all.

As many of you know, the past three years have presented me with challenges in the form of injuries and surgery. I worked hard to get back to full competitive form.
But I also know the capabilities and limitations of my body, and its message has been clear to me lately. I’m 41 years old. I’ve played over 1,500 games in 24 years.
Tennis has treated me more generously than I ever imagined, and now I have to recognize when it’s time to end my competitive career.

The Laver Cup next week in London will be my last ATP event. I will play more tennis in the future, of course, but not in the Grand Slams or on tours.
This is a bittersweet decision, because I will miss everything the tour has given me. But at the same time, there is so much to celebrate. I consider myself one of the luckiest people on Earth.

Roger Federer 2

I was given a special talent for playing tennis, and I did it at a level I never imagined, for much longer than I thought possible.
I would especially like to thank my amazing wife Mirka, who lived every minute with me. She warmed me up before the finals, she watched countless games too while she was over 8 months pregnant and put up with my silly side traveling with my team for over 20 years.


I also want to thank my four wonderful children for supporting me, always eager to explore new places and create wonderful memories along the way. Seeing my family cheering me on from the stands is a feeling that I will keep forever.
I would also like to thank and acknowledge my loving parents and my dear sister, without whom nothing would be possible. A big thank you to all my former coaches who have always guided me in the right direction … you were wonderful!
And to Swiss Tennis, who believed in me as a young man and gave me an ideal start.
I really want to thank and acknowledge my amazing team, Ivan, Dani, Roland and especially Seve and Pierre, who have given me the best advice and have always been there for me.
Tony too, for creatively running my business for over 17 years. You are all amazing and I have loved every minute with you.
I want to thank my loyal sponsors, who are truly like partners to me; and the hardworking teams and tournaments of the ATP Tour, who consistently welcomed us with kindness and hospitality.
I would also like to thank my competitors on the pitch. I have been lucky enough to play so many epic games that I will never forget. We fought fairly, with passion and intensity, and I always did my best to respect the story of the game.
I feel extremely grateful. We pushed each other and together we took tennis to new heights.
Above all, I have a special thank you to my incredible fans. You will never know how much strength and conviction you have given me.
The stimulating feeling of entering full stadiums and arenas has been one of the great emotions of my life. Without you, those successes would have felt lonely, rather than full of joy and energy.
The last 24 years on tour have been an incredible adventure. While at times it feels like it passed in 24 hours, it was also so deep and magical that it feels like you’ve already lived a lifetime.
I have been immensely lucky to play in front of you in over 40 different countries. I laughed and cried, felt joy and pain, and most of all, I felt incredibly alive.
Throughout my travels, I have met many wonderful people who will remain friends for life, who have consistently taken time from their busy schedules to come see me play and cheer for me all over the world. Thank you.
When my love of tennis started, I was a boy with the ball in my hometown Basel. I watched the players with a sense of wonder. They were like giants to me and I began to dream.
My dreams led me to work harder and I started believing in myself. A few successes brought me confidence and I was well on my way to the most incredible journey that has led to this day.
So, I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart, everyone around the world who helped make the dreams of a young Swiss dancer come true.
Finally, to the game of tennis: I love you and will never leave you.


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