Two Migrant Buses From US-Mexico Border Disembarked Near Vice President Kamala Harris Home | News from the United States

Two migrant buses from the US-Mexico border have been dropped off near Vice President Kamala Harris’ home, while three Republican governors continue to use the tactic to wage a bitter political battle.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot has been transporting migrants out of Texas to cities with Democratic mayors as part of a political strategy because he says there are too many cross-border arrivals in his state.

The tactic was first devised by Donald Trump and has since been adopted by prominent Republican and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, as well as Arizona Governor Doug Ducey.

Governor Abbott tweeted that he dismissed the buses that arrived Thursday, saying, “We are sending migrants to his yard to ask the Biden administration to do its job and secure the border.”

At dawn, about two dozen men and women were seen standing outside the United States Naval Observatory, clear plastic bags of their personal belongings carried across the border, before moving to a nearby church. .

After asylum-seeking migrants cross the border, they spend time in a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Facility along the border until they are generally released in the U.S. to wait for their cases to be over .

Republicans say President Joe Biden’s policies encourage migrants to vanish in the United States, while Democrats argue the Trump-era policy of forcing migrants to wait for their asylum cases in Mexico to be inhumane.

The White House said Thursday that the recent migrant buses are alarming and said they have been misled as to where they were going.


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