Putin signs law expanding restrictions on LGBT ‘propaganda’

MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a law that significantly expands restrictions on activities deemed to promote LGBT rights in the country.
A 2013 law banned what authorities consider to be spreading “non-traditional sex propaganda” to minors. The new law extends this prohibition to the dissemination of such information to persons aged 18 and over.
The new law prohibits advertising, online media and resources, books, films and theater productions deemed to contain such “propaganda”.
It also expands existing restrictions by prohibiting the dissemination of information on gender transitions to minors and prohibiting information deemed to be propaganda promoting paedophilia.
Violations are subject to fines and, if committed by non-residents, may result in their expulsion from Russia.
Fines range from 100,000 to 4 million rubles ($1,660 to $66,000). For certain violations, foreigners could face up to 15 days in detention before deportation.
The law does not make violations a criminal offense – Russian law states that the criminal code can only be changed by an independent bill. Some lawmakers have hinted that they favor such a move.
The Kremlin did not immediately announce Putin’s signature, but it was featured on a copy of the measure posted on the website of the Duma, the lower house of parliament.


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