South Korean passenger plane flies with open door and lands safely

SEOUL (Reuters) – A passenger opened an emergency exit door on a South Korean flight on Friday, causing a gust of air inside the cabin before the plane landed safely, airline and government officials said.
Some people on board Asiana Airlines Airbus A321 tried to prevent the person from opening the door, but it was eventually partially opened, the transport ministry said.
The plane with 194 people was heading for the southeast city of Daegu from the southern island of Jeju. The flight normally lasts about an hour and details of the incident, including how long the door was open, were under investigation, according to Asiana Airlines.
Video footage apparently taken by someone on board and posted on social media shows some passengers’ hair being whipped by air blowing into the cabin through the open door.
Police arrested the unidentified person who opened the door, the airline said. Their motivation was not immediately known.
The passengers included teenage athletes who plan to attend athletic competitions in Ulsan, another city in the southeast.
The incident terrified some passengers but no one was injured, although some passengers were assessed at a hospital, Asiana and Transportation Department officials said.


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