Palestinian Prisoners: 107 teenagers under 18 among 240 Palestinians freed by Israel

Israel released a total of 240 Palestinian prisoners and detainees in exchange for 105 hostages freed by Hamas during a weeklong pause in hostilities, an arrangement that diplomats had tried to extend before it collapsed into fighting Friday morning.
A New York Times analysis of data on the Palestinians released showed that a majority of them had not been convicted of a crime.There were 107 teenagers under 18, including three girls. Another 66 teenagers were 18 years old. The oldest person released was a 64-year-old woman.
The negotiations for the seven rounds of exchange — one for each day of the pause — had centered on women and children on either side of the conflict. Amajority of the people released, 155 of them, were from the West Bank; 72 were from East Jerusalem; and one was from Gaza. The lists Wednesday and Thursday included some Palestinian citizens of Israel, not normally included in exchange deals.
The Israeli government initially posted a list of 300 Palestinian teenagers and women who could potentially be released through the deal and added 50 names to that list as the exchanges progressed. The list included people’s birth dates, the accusations le vied against them and other information. The New York Timescompared the Israeli data with lists of the Palestinians released each day by the Palestinian Authority’s Commission for Prisoners’ Affairs.
The Israeli data shows that three-quarters of the released Palestinians had not been convicted of a crime. Most had been in prison for less than a year.
Israel detained all of the people on the list for what it said were offences related to Israel’s security, from throwing stones to more serious accusations like supporting terrorism and attempted murder. More than half of the cases we re being prosecuted in Israeli military courts, which try Palestinians in the occupied West Bank but not Israeli settlers who live there.
Nearly all Palestinians tried in Israeli military courts are convicted, and those accused of security offences can be imprisoned indefinitely without charge or trial. Israel has defended these practices as necessary for maintaining its security, but international human rights groups have widely criticized them as violating international law and said they are used to suppress Palestinian political activity and expression.


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