I want to feel pressure of managing a club again, says Solskjaer | Football News

NEW DELHI: Close to two years since departing from Manchester United, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer hasn’t allowed the aspiration of managing another prestigious club to diminish. He acknowledged missing the pressure-filled realm of a top-flight football manager.
Solskjaer departed from Old Trafford in November 2022 following the club’s significant defeats against arch-rivals Liverpool, neighbors Manchester City and Watford.
“I’ve got at least one club job in me. It has to be an interesting one, somewhere, an adventure, somewhere, I can be myself. No disrespect, but after you’ve managed Manchester United for three years, it’s like, where do you go?
“Yeah, of course, I want to feel that pressure again. You know, when you see the games, you miss it,” Solskjaer told a select media gathering in Bengaluru on Friday.
Nevertheless, the ex-United star and protegé of the legendary manager Sir Alex Ferguson, Solskjaer, mentioned that he required a brief respite after spending three years at the helm of one of the most widely followed football clubs globally.
“It’s the best job in the world (managing Manchester United). You always want to manage against the best football people in the world. The Premier League is the best league in the world, the most difficult.
“I have been there for three years. Yes, it is a hard job. It’s an extraordinary job, but you’re the face of the biggest and best club in the world. You have to be ready all the time to be scrutinised. So, I enjoyed it and I needed a break after I stepped away,” said the 50-year-old.
The former Norwegian forward was not really happy to see the ‘Red Devils’ languishing at sixth place in the ongoing Premier League, and he hoped that they would regain some consistency to move up the ladder.
United have 38 points from 23 matches and are in real danger of missing next season’s Champions League berth.
“It’s very exciting times with Jim Ratcliffe (the new United owner). I think it has breathed belief into both fans and supporters. But we need more consistency. You can see even the better teams are not as consistent as they were.
“If you go two years back, Liverpool 99-100 points, that is consistency. If we want to get to the top again we need at least 90 points, and you need more consistency,” said Solskjaer.
Ratcliffe’s plan to build a new stadium for Manchester United in the place of 114-year-old Old Trafford has created some stir in English footballing circles.
Ratcliffe wants to construct a stadium that can house 90000 spectators, a plan that he has fondly labelled as the making of ‘Wembley of North.’
But Solskjaer said fans will have to move with the times.
“We have to move on with the times at the moment. Something has to happen at Old Trafford, as you say, it’s either a renovation or a new stadium because we’re falling behind if we are staying at the same place.
“We need new stadiums like, for example, the Tottenham stadium, it’s an unbelievable place. That’s the last win I had as Manchester United manager too. It’s such a nice place. But yes, history is important,” he added.
Solskjaer is on a three-day visit to India, being hosted by Ace of Pubs owner Tilak Gaurang Shah, and he will also visit Mumbai and New Delhi in the next couple of days.
“By bringing Solskjaer to India, we have been able to showcase the deep connection between the country and the club. Through this tour, we also aim to fulfil the lifelong dreams of supporters of the club,” said Shah.
(With inputs from PTI)


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