Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi’s Controversial Shortest Address to Legislative Assembly | Chennai News

CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu governor R N Ravi made the “shortest” address to the first session of the legislative assembly on Monday and walked out before the national anthem was played. The entire opposition, including AIADMK, PMK, and DMK allies besides Congress and BJP members remained seated until the end of day’s proceedings.
The TN governor wound up the policy address in four minutes.It may be noted that Kerala governor Arif Mohammed Khan too recently ended his address by reading only the last paragraph. Last year, governor Ravi deviated from the customary policy address and walked out before the national anthem was played, evoking strong condemnation from the government.
On Monday, Ravi arrived in the assembly hall at 9.59am and began his address at 10am, soon after the ‘Tamil thai vazhthu’ (Tamil anthem) was played.
“It is my honour to deliver the inaugural address of the legislative assembly for the year 2024 in this august House. I extend my warm greetings to everyone for the New Year, and I wish that this year brings more happiness, prosperity, and well-being to everyone. I commence my address by recalling the immortal words of saint Thiruvalluvar, which encapsulate the vision of this government for the state,” he said, reading out Kural, “Pinniyinmai selvam vilaivinbam emam aniyenba nattirkiv ainthu.” He read out the translation of the couplet as well, “Absence of disease, plenty in harvest, wealth, general happiness and security, these five are the jewels of a country.”
Governor Ravi, however, abruptly ended reading the written text from the tablet placed before him even as the text was telecast live on the large LED screens in the hall. He looked up and expressed disappointment over certain issues in the assembly amid noises from the treasury. He took his seat immediately.
At this moment, senior minister Duraimurugan rose up to say something, but chief minister M K Stalin was seen signalling the staff to place a microphone near speaker M Appavu. For his part, Appavu announced his intent to read the Tamil translation of the governor’s address in full, and the text that was left untouched by him, evoking loud thumping of desks from the treasury. Appavu wound up the address at 10.53am.
Even as the speaker reminded the governor in Tamil that the national anthem was to be played, the governor walked out accompanied by his staff, while the members in treasury and opposition benches, including BJP legislators, remained seated.
The House later adopted a resolution moved by Durimurugan to take on record only the governor’s address to the assembly in written text that was in English and Tamil. The assembly did not record ‘certain utterances’ of Appavu on the governor’s address.


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