Pornhub may exit another state in the US, and the reason is same as in seven other states

Popular adult entertainment platform Pornhub is likely to withdraw from another US State. The porn website may exit Florida after the State passed a new law requiring age verification for users. The law, known as HB 3, mirrors similar legislation in Texas that prompted Pornhub to block access in that state earlier this year.

Does not agree with the new law

HB 3 mandates websites hosting pornography to verify user ages through methods like government ID checks or third-party verification services.Pornhub, while agreeing with the need for age verification, argues that these specific systems violate user privacy and restrict free speech rights surrounding adult content.
They advocate for on-device age verification, which they believe protects children without compromising user data. In Texas, rather than comply with the law, Pornhub opted to completely block access for users with Texan IP addresses.
“Unfortunately, these laws are ineffective and harmful,” a Pornhub statement said. “They don’t protect children and stifle content creators’ ability to share legal content.”
Considering their previous actions and strong opposition to such verification methods, experts believe Pornhub will likely block Florida users as well. This follows similar bans in North Carolina, Montana, Utah, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Virginia.
Aylo, Pornhub’s parent company, has also blocked its other platforms like Brazzers and YouPorn in these states.


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