‘Free Palestine’: Protesters calling for cease-fire in Gaza interrupt Easter Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

NEW DELHI: Protesters on Saturday interrupted Easter Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, calling for a cease-fire in Gaza, Fox News reported. The protestors were heard shouting “Free, free Palestine” before they were escorted out.
Before the commencement of Holy Week, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) released a statement asking for prayer for peace in the Middle East and an end to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
“As the Church enters Holy Week and Christ’s suffering on the cross and his resurrection are made present to us so vividly, we are connected to the very source of hope,” the statement said.
On Saturday, London also witnessed a significant gathering of pro-Palestinian demonstrators, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and increased aid for the war-torn region. Organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the event commenced at Russell Square in the city center, followed by a march to Trafalgar Square for a mid-afternoon rally.
Sally Worgan, 65, a retired social worker, had travelled from Gloucestershire in western England to attend.
“I think it’s important for the Palestinian people to know that people do support them, that they’re not just on their own,” said Sally Worgan, 65, a retired social worker, told news agency AFP.
On Sunday, the Gaza health ministry reported that at least 32,782 Palestinians have been killed and 75,298 injured in Israel’s military offensive on Gaza since the start of the conflict on october 7.
(With inputs from agencies)


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