US sanctions on Chinese firms for Pakistan missile inputs

ISLAMABAD: US has imposed sanctions on three Chinese and one Belarus company over alleged supply of inputs for Pakistan’s ballistic missile programme. The move, Washington stressed, is intended not to punish but to bring about a “positive change in behaviour”.
According to a US State Department announcement on Friday, the four firms are Belarus’s Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, and China’s Xi’an Longde Technology Development Company Ltd, Tianjin Creative Source International Trade Co Ltd, and Granpect Company Ltd.
“All property of the designated entities in the US or under the control of US persons are now blocked. Furthermore, any individuals or entities with ownership, directly or indirectly, of 50% or more by the designated persons are also subject to these sanctions,” read a statement by the State Department, adding these entities supplied items even for Pakistan’s long-range missiles.
Islamabad appeared to shrug off the action, saying such “listings of commercial entities have taken place in the past as well on allegations of links to its missile programme without sharing any evidence whatsoever”.
“While we are not aware of the specifics of the latest measures by the US, in the past we have come across many instances where listings have been made on mere suspicion or even when the involved items were not on any control lists but were deemed sensitive under catch-all provisions,” read a statement issued by Pakistan’s foreign office.
The US State Department statement detailed the alleged inputs from the four firms. Belarus’s Minsk plant supplied special vehicle chassis. Such chassis, the US claimed, are used as launch-support equipment by Pakistan’s National Development Complex (NDC), which develops Missile Technology Control Regime Category (MTCR) I ballistic missiles.
China’s Xi’an Longde Technology allegedly supplied a filament-winding machine, adding these can be used to produce rocket motor cases, the US said. Tianjin Creative Trade Co. Ltd. shipped stir-welding equipment. The supplies were likely destined for Pakistan’s Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), which develops and produces Pakistan’s MTCR Category I ballistic missiles, the US said.
Granpect Company worked with SUPARCO to supply equipment for the testing of large-diameter rocket motors to NDC, the State Department added.
Islamabad defended such procurements. “Such items have legitimate civil commercial uses. Pakistan has always been ready to discuss end-use and end-user verification mechanisms so that legitimate commercial users are not hurt by discriminatory application of export controls,” the foreign office said in its statement.
Pakistan also insinuated double standards in such sanctions. “The same jurisdictions, which claim to exercise strict non-proliferation controls, have waived licensing requirements for advanced military technologies for some countries… leading to arms build-up,” the statement added.


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