FBI warns of extortion scheme targeting Indians, businesses

NEW DELHI: FBI’s Sacramento field office has issued a warning to the public regarding an extortion scheme targeting individuals with family or business connections to India. The scheme involves threats of violence and demands for large sums of money.
The federal agency has requested the citizens to report these crimes in order to arrest the perpetrators behind this scheme.
“We are deeply concerned for the safety and economic security of our neighbors of Indian descent who have been targeted. Criminals are targeting hard working, law-abiding business owners and are using thug tactics to extort them in clear violation of the law. Timely reporting of attempted extortion to the authorities will help law enforcement to identify and disrupt this criminal scheme, ensuring the safety and economic security of the community,” said acting special agent in Charge Mark Remily.
The extortionists have threatened physical harm or death if their demands are not met, and some victims who refused to comply have been subjected to targeted shootings at their homes and vehicles.
The FBI urges anyone who believes they are in immediate danger to call 911. Extortion threats involving violence can be reported to the FBI by contacting the local field office, submitting a tip online at tips.fbi.gov, or calling 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).


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