Amanda Knox fails to overturn slander conviction in Italy | World News

Amanda Knox has lost her bid to overturn a slander conviction in Italy.

The American woman was eventually cleared of the brutal 2007 murder of her flatmate, 21-year-old Meredith Kercher, in the apartment they shared in the Italian university town of Perugia.

But she was only released, in 2011, after four years in prison in Italy.

The slander conviction for accusing a Congolese bar owner of the murder during an interrogation was the only charge against Ms Knox that withstood five court rulings that ultimately exonerated her.

She had argued in court in Florence this week that her slander conviction should be overturned because of her treatment by police.

Ms Knox cried and hugged her husband after the verdict was read out in court.

Her lawyer said: “Amanda is very upset, she was hoping to finally clear her name.”

Along with her ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, Ms Knox was convicted of the murder of Ms Kercher in 2007. Both were acquitted of the crime in 2011 and then fully exonerated in 2015.

She has since established herself in the US as an advocate, writer, podcaster and producer – with much of her work drawing on her experience in the Italian legal system.

While Ms Knox and Mr Sollecito were definitively acquitted of murder by Italy’s highest court in 2015, her conviction for slander against a Congolese bar owner who employed her part-time, Patrick Lumumba, was not rescinded.

Diya ‘Patrick’ Lumumba (left). File pic: AP

A year later, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled a long night of questioning days after Ms Kercher’s murder violated her rights because she was questioned without a lawyer or official translator.

In light of this, Italy’s Supreme Court overturned the slander conviction last year and ordered a retrial.

The new trial, which started last April, focused on just one piece of evidence: Ms Knox’s four-page handwritten statement that the court examined to see if it contained elements to support slander against Mr Lumumba.

He was held in jail for two weeks after Ms Kercher’s death before police released him and he has since left Italy.

The letter, which Ms Knox wrote in a 53-hour span of questioning over four days starting on 6 November 2007, reflects a state of confusion.

“In regards to this ‘confession’ that I made last night, I want to make clear that I’m very doubtful of the verity [sic] of my statements because they were made under the pressures of stress, shock and extreme exhaustion,” Ms Knox wrote.

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